Lady Jupiter Podcast
Want a peek into life as a blogging military spouse? Look no further. Lady Jupiter Podcast updates weekly. New episodes share life updates to demystify our military-related lives, but also includes blog updates, and local favorites. It's like a quick chat while waiting to order coffee. Just you and me. And sometimes my kid.
Lady Jupiter Podcast
Untitled (April 26)
Episode № 102 is untitled because it’s not a real episode. I’ll be back as soon as I can!
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Episode № ...unknown; this is untitled.
This episode is really just a placeholder to keep me in your RSS feed.
It’s proof of life, and more importantly, proof that I desperately miss being able to talk to you each week. I simply don’t have the household staff available to afford me such leisure time to record and edit as often as I wish.
I’ll be back as soon as I can, but right now…one episode a month feels ambitious. Funny story - I would love to tell you all about what’s keeping us busy, but I’m too busy with life to write about it, record about it, edit about it, and upload. The short story is that we’re moving to another country this year, there are a million things that need doing, and I am. Just. Plain. Busy.
You’re wonderful. I am not ghosting you. I am just too busy to text most people the same week that they text me. My to-do list is taller than I am, and I have delegated all that I can. Nobody else can do the day-to-day Jupiter House things so…I must do what nobody else can. There’s no way around it.
Anyhoo. I’ll plug this placeholder in your RSS feed every week to remind you that I haven’t “podfaded” and I will be back, but I just don’t know when.
Other proof of life can be found on LadyJupiter. com.
You might pop over and say “Hey! There’s new stuff over there!” Well, the sad reality is that anything new you see was just ten minutes that I carved out every week, and anything new is actually several months old. Ten minutes a week is a struggle, but the written word is so much faster to produce than the spoken…so you may see more writing and hear fewer words.
I will talk to you when I can record next.
—Bye for now!