Lady Jupiter Podcast

Casual Deployment Talk

April 22, 2022 Lady Jupiter Season 1 Episode 71
Lady Jupiter Podcast
Casual Deployment Talk
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Episode № 71 opens with a tiny chat about Mister Jupiter's deployments, and I share the next topic that I want to write about...when I can write again.

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Episode № 71 Casual Deployment Talk

Welcome back everybody!
Lady Jupiter Podcast is the audio accompaniment to a lifestyle blog where I write about my family’s military life, our home life, and other tiny details that I just like to share. I’m happy that you’re here with me.

In this episode I’ll share an update on our life as affected by the U.S. military, then continue with a blog update, I will share one last domestic diversion, then I’ll catch you up on Darlene the Duck.

Today in our military-affected lives I have nothing significant to update.

We are still watching Ukraine.

If you’re a new listener, you may not know that my husband (Mister Jupiter) is an active duty pilot. Almost any time that something interesting starts happening in the world, family members ask if he’s going to get deployed. The short answer is NO. This is largely because his current role isn’t deployable at all - he runs a school.

There are a lot of complex details regarding his work, and international politics. Suffice it to say that yes - he will certainly deploy again in his career. Where and when that is we don’t know. And that’s okay! Deployments are a fact of our lives, and we learn to live with them. This doesn’t mean that deployments get easy, but rather that we get accustomed to not knowing.

I’m not looking forward to Mister Jupiter’s next deployment per se, but I suspect that we’ll approach it like his last deployment. The last time he was deployed it was just a few months in Al Udied. We knew that he was going to deploy that year, so he volunteered to fill a particular position. Our logic was that if he definitely had to leave for a few months, he might as well leave sooner so he could be back home sooner.

We talked about it, and it worked out just fine. Well, yes - he missed his cousin’s wedding that we had already RSVP’ed for, and he missed our first anniversary…and New Years…but he was back for Valentine’s Day. So yeah, his last deployment was not the easiest, but it wasn’t the worst either. We know that his next deployment will be similar, because our attitudes are the same. It’s just a thing that he needs to do, that’s all.

For today’s update…I have taken photos for Outfits of the Day Q2, but I haven’t actually updated that blog post. You know when I just have those weeks where I squander all of my personal time sleeping, and sometimes bathing? This is one of those weeks.

And speaking about not having time to sit down and update my own blog, I am writing out some topics for an upcoming collection of blog posts. So I told you last episode that I’ve been officially diagnosed with ADHD as an adult (taa daa!). This upcoming series will share the coping strategies that I’ve been using to appear neurotypical. If ADHD severity could be accurately measured on a scale of zero to ten, I would estimate that my presentation swings between four and six. It’s always there, but it’s not so severe that I can’t drive.

Since my diagnosis and receiving medication, I’ve learned that a lot of my personal normal things are actually all coping strategies to be a productive adult…who also has a collection of bad habits and executive dysfunction. So this new series of blog posts will include topics like groceries and food, clothing strategies, and how to use programmable lights to build habits. On the surface, it sounds like a series of how to be an adult, and that’s partially true - but it’s going to be written for people like me. Overwhelmed, and looking for suggestions on the internet at 2am because they’re still up!

As usual, I have no idea when I will have the time to sit and write, but I’ll certainly talk about it when I do! I might be able to get one or two very small blog posts up this year, but honestly that’s a stretch. That’s one of the reasons that I like to share Outfits of the Day - they are proof positive that I am alive.

Oh! I did put up a new silly little daily note. This morning‘s sun was perfect for my gray hair, so I took a picture of it and shared it. And there will be a link to it in the show notes for all of you time travelers!
📌 Outfits of the Day :: Q2 2022 📍
📌 Daily Jupiter April 22📍

And now for my most recent domestic diversion…the small batch of laundry in the dryer remains in place and unfolded because I’m busy. Mostly I’m busy calming down dogs or making the master bedroom closet a comfortable and functional tornado shelter. So yeah. The laundry can remain unfolded forever. I am needed elsewhere. 

For that matter, I think I’m going to change the direction of this little segment. It started as fun little things that kept me from matching up the socks, but as time goes on, and as I get medicated for my ADHD, I can more easily see that the issue is a sincere lack of available time to do chores, and that’s neither funny nor entertaining. 

So I’m changing this segment to share something else. I haven’t decided yet, because I haven’t had time to think on it yet. As I mentioned I am just busy doing other things. I’ll figure something out. 

And a follow up from last episode - 

Darlene is still in the front yard sitting on her eggs. I did get the opportunity one evening to get closer because she had gone out for dinner. The eggs are less visible, she has covered them up partially with mulch and her own feathers. We can still expect to have ducklings in our yard around the end of this month. 

And that’s it for today’s episode.

Show notes and transcript are available online. Visit

I’m also on Facebook. So you can see how little I post on there, anytime day or night. If I just threw too many letters at you - don’t worry. My Facebook page is clearly linked from which is easier to say and understand.

I will talk to you when I can record next - bye for now!