Lady Jupiter Podcast

We Have A Duck

April 06, 2022 Lady Jupiter Season 1 Episode 69
Lady Jupiter Podcast
We Have A Duck
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Episode № 69 highlights a new development in our front yard and why we're learning a lot about mallards right now.

Full transcript is available and easy to share from the show notes blog; 🦆🥚🥚

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Episode № 69 We Have A Duck

Welcome back everybody!
Lady Jupiter Podcast is the audio accompaniment to a lifestyle blog where I write about my family’s military life, our home life, and other tiny details that I just like to share. I’m happy that you’re here with me.

In this episode I’ll share an update on our life as affected by the U.S. military, then continue with a blog update, and wrap up with my most recent domestic diversion.

Today in our military-affected lives I have nothing significant to update.
I hate to be a broken record, but we are still watching. I’m also in disbelief that Russia and Ukraine are still at it, but that’s just me. I am not privy to details and am not a specialist in modern warfare.

Since we last talked I hosted another Spouse Zoom, and probably embarrassed myself by talking too much to fill the space. I don’t really know. I have a blind spot in that area, and don’t know what to do when others are super quiet in a group setting. So instead of starting at them, I just chug my coffee and keep moving my mouth. If you are listening now, and we end up on any kind of video chat - PLEASE feel free to interrupt me. Make sure to make a sound, because I actually look at the camera while I speak, so I don’t see the screen, but my ears work. Interject freely and I will not be offended.

For today’s update…I updated and closed out Outfits of the Day Q1, and now I am getting ready to start the Q2 post. I also considered updating my Pizza and Beer Yearbook. I have had a fresh set of pizza and beer, so I CAN update that post, but I find more things to do when I sit at my computer.
📌 Outfits of the Day :: Q1 2022
📌 Pizza and Beer Yearbook

Meanwhile I am drafting a blog post about my low-sugar, no-banana fiber-rich smoothies. The title will be pretty obvious and transparent. No weird tricks here - the fourth thing will not amaze you. It’s beans. Cooked beans, but…just normal beans from the grocery store. There you go, but we talked about this already, so you’re obviously not surprised.

And now for my most recent domestic diversion…I have ignored the dryer for a few days because the Jupiter House is the proud recipient of a duck’s trust. Really!

One day Mister Jupiter is out in the front yard checking out the buds on our Japanese Maple. The next day he’s looking again and scared the crap out of a duck right behind him. He looks closer and sees eight eggs!

The other day I counted twelve, and we’re pretty sure she’s a mallard - but we didn’t know anything useful about ducks, until very recently. Thank you Google University.

Regardless, we are honored that she picked us. We call her Darlene because she just strikes me as a local gal setting up in a desirable school district. For the record I haven’t watched Ozark, so there’s no relation to this other pop-culture Darlene. If I see her in the yard, I just say “hey girl” and avoid her area. If she’s not sitting on her children, I peek and see if the quantity has changed.

A local urban farm told me that ducks can take as long as two weeks to lay all of the eggs, and Google told Mister Jupiter that eight to 13 eggs is average for mallards.

We are not leaving out any food for Darlene because that could attract predators that might like fresh eggs too.

We have also read that the eggs should hatch in about 30 days, and whenever one starts hatching, the remainder of the clutch will hatch within 24 hours, then Darlene is going to walk her kids to the nearest body of water - officially abandoning the nest.

Despite my wanting to help -the Internet also assures me that urban ducks have to learn about urban dangers right away. It’s very unlikely that any of us in the Jupiter House will be able to escort Darlene and the kids to the nearest stream. Chances are we’ll all leave the house to do normal human stuff, and Darlene will pack up in our absence. We may never see the ducklings, but if she still trusts us, we can expect to see her roost again next year.

The kids will be incubating for a few more weeks, so I have a few more weeks to grab contacts for local wildlife rehabilitators (in the event that a duckling gets lost and we can’t reunite them with Darlene). The few weeks also gives me a little time to look for duckling related signs to put in our yard when we’re coming up on those 30 days.

I’ll make sure to update you about Darlene and her kids as long as they are in our front yard!

And that’s it for today’s quick episode.
Show notes and transcript are available online. Visit - scroll down to the link for Episode № 69 We Have A Duck

If you are interested in supporting me (and by extension - Darlene) you can become a Patreon Patron! Your support keeps the lights on at Lady Jupiter Podcast, and Darlene can’t sign up because she’s a duck, and if you are also a duck, I get it. If you’re not a duck, consider supporting us! I won’t bite, but Darlene might.

Swing by
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I will talk to you when I can record next - bye for now!